Application for membership of the Galway Geological Association (GGA)
Name …………………………………………………………………
Email …………………………………………………………………
Contact number (preferably mobile no.) …………………………………………………………………..
Please enclose payment of €20 (full member) / €5 (student) / €30 (family membership*) and indicate/circle the amount paid. The above subscription covers a year or part thereof. A year is regarded as beginning on 1st September and ending on 31st August.
Payment can also be made electronically to GGA Credit Union account; for details email [email protected]. If transferring money electronically please indicate clearly ‘GGA annual subscription’ and give you name and mobile number.
* Family membership includes a partner/friend and children under the age of 16.
GDPR. In compliance with GDPR regulations, I consent to the use of my personal contact details for the sole purpose of communications between the Association and its members. In general, GGA communications are by email but, in an emergency, communication may be by phone.
Whilst the GGA respects the privacy of members and participants at its events, members should be aware that photographs and videos may be taken during excursions, etc., to record places visited and features under discussion. These may subsequently be used on the GGA web site, etc. If you do not wish to be included in such, or in group photos that may be taken, we request you to inform the excursion leader(s) at the start of the event of your wish not to be included, and please take appropriate steps to exclude yourself from any such photos/videos to assist the event organisation.
Signature (or print name if providing a signature is not practicable) …………………………………………………………
Date ………………………………………
Please return the completed form to GGA Secretary or Treasurer at a GGA event or via email to [email protected].
Additional notes for new and existing members:
GGA members are expected to read and comply with the requirements as set out in the Health and Safety statement of the GGA.
Participants attend GGA events at their own risk. Participants are expected to comply fully with all health and safety instructions issued prior to or during an event. GGA and its members accept no liability for any injury or loss sustained at or connected with an event organised or promoted by the GGA.
While GGA undertakes to do everything possible to ensure the health and safety of participants in its events, personal health and safety are ultimately the responsibility of each participant in all situations. Participants are requested to register for events, especially field trips, only if they are satisfied that their health is such that they are in a position to safely participate in the event.